Let me help you foster a holistic approach to your personal & professional well-being.

Leadership isn’t about a title. It is using your unique gifts and abilities to impact and influence the lives of others.  Leaders don’t wait for a title to lead. They add value to people, teams, and organizations from where they are.  If you’re ready, allow me to help you cultivate your leadership potential. 

Dr. Brown currently holds credentials as a Licensed Graduate Professional Counselor. Leadership development combined with the expertise of a licensed counselor can be a transformative force in helping individuals navigate challenges, achieve personal growth, and cultivate resilience. Leadership qualities such as vision, empathy, and strategic thinking can create an environment where individuals feel understood, valued, and motivated to pursue their goals.



If you need enlightenment or encouragement for your journey, add this book to your reading list. If you find yourself in a newly acquired position in church ministry it will help you to navigate the way to your purpose for being there; and, if you are an experienced person, it will remind you of who called you to this place and why you answered positively. The story of Dr. Brown may parallel your own or may help you to understand how those in ministry view their passage along the path ordained by God. It will help those in corporate or other non-profit sectors understand that where God has placed you, His commission to you is to be a light for those that are seeking answers that only the walk with God can provide.

Dr. Brown will help you to answer questions about service to God in your assignment wherever you have been planted. In this age of self-absorption, it is good to know that your decision to follow the tenets of Christ and service to others will never be "outdated" or "out of sync."

-Marjorie Duncan

Marriage: The Wholly Hook-Up, Inc.™

Marriage: The Wholly Hook-Up Inc.™ is an IRS designated 501(c)3 Organization that provides bible-based teaching to help SINGLES get ready and MARRIEDS keep it steady. Cedric and his wife, Bobette Brown, have been married for over three decades.

They provide coaching, education, conduct activities, develop and provide intervention and prevention programs, and resources aimed at establishing and sustaining biblically-based marriages.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Marriage: The Wholly Hook-Up: Principles for a Godly Marriage!" It was a really quick read and easy to relate and understand. Dr. and Lady Brown shared great anecdotes that make the biblical principles come alive and illustrate how to properly apply them. I absolutely loved the transparency. As a single 30 something who desires marriage, this book gave me a new appreciation for this season I'm in right now. It also further cemented my resolve to pursue the heart of God and the wholeness to be found therein. Thank you Dr. and Lady Brown for encouraging those married and those desiring to be to keep God first and depend on Him in every season.

-Ashley B.